Loan-Calc icon


Cody Huber
4.6 out of 5

About Loan-Calc

Loan-Calc is a modern loan calculator app that utilizes the newest technologies like Handoff, auto layout, and your Apple Watch to provide an easy way to explore loan options on any device.


Start a loan calculation on one device and continue on another.

Auto Layout

Loan-Calc has support for Slide Over, and Split View on newer iPads. Which will allow you to surf the web and quickly calculate a new payment for the item your wanting to purchase.

Apple Watch

You can use Loan-Calc on your Apple Watch for when your on the go. When out to eat use the new tip calculator on the watch to quickly calculate your tip based on percentage and how your splitting the bill. Just tap the Loan-Calc complication on the watch face to quickly launch into the tip calculator.

Loan-Calc Screenshots