Unlimited recipes:
You read it right. Create and save as many recipes as you like, for free.
Interactive widgets:
You can now follow a recipe from start finish without opening Ambre. And if you put it in StandBy mode you get a full screen experience!
Timers in recipes are now automatically detected and a button is shown to quickly set the timer. Timers are available in app, dynamic island, live activity and widgets. This happens with on device intelligence and works offline. Timers are detected in English, Spanish, Mandarin, Arabic, German, Italian and Portuguese.
The best recipe import:
Ambre is the best and easiest way of collecting and storing recipes digitally. Decides for yourself by checking out all our import options!
Import from URL* :
Gather recipes from any website, keep them easily available in one place. With on device intelligence you can import recipes straight from the web with our share extension. You can also copy and paste the URL in-app to create the recipe.
Import from a cook book* :
Take a photo of a recipe in your cook book and share it with Ambre, and you'll have it stored in a safe place forever.
Import from audio* :
Simply describe how to cook the dish as you would to a friend, Ambre will sort ingredients and instructions automatically!
Import from Paprika:
No reason to hesitate making the big switch to Ambre anymore. With the Paprika Import you'll have all of your old recipes added to Ambre in no time!
Get hands free step-by-step guidance using Siri. Perfect for big and small kitchens, sticky fingers and when you want to focus on one step at a time. Works on iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, Apple TV Mac and HomePod!
Unit conversion *:
You can convert any recipe to Metric or Imperial units, whatever is the easiest for you!
Device sync:
When connected to the internet, your recipes will be backed up to iCloud and synced across all of your supported Apple devices, such as iPhone, iPad, Mac, Apple Watch and tvOS.
Available offline:
Your recipes are stored on device, no need to be online. Perfect for when you want to stay off the grid.
Meal plans *:
Always know what's for dinner by planning ahead. Create as many as you need, and invite anyone you'd like.
View as list:
Sometimes we remember recipes only by image, other times it's easier with a clear text. Now you get the privilege of toggling between list and grid.
Your data is yours, we don't use any kind of 3rd party tracking. Oh and by the way, you don't have to register or sign up either.
Big event or dinner for two? Minimize food waste by scaling and only cook only what you need. Good for both your wallet and the planet!
We support all sizes, on all platforms available.
By checking off added ingredients and completed instruction steps, it is easier to follow and complete any given recipe. And by supporting dynamic type sizes and dark mode, we are trying our best to meet the needs for each and everyone of you.
Invite friends and family to edit a recipe, or why not share a meal plan together? Perfect for when planning get-togethers and events!
See what other users in the Ambre Community are sharing for anyone to try! Now with Profiles, it's easier to find all the recipes shared by the same Chef at once.
Free from ads:
Commercials are the last thing you want to see when double checking the amount of an ingredient in a critical moment.
*Available with Ambre+
Privacy policy: https://ambi.se/privacy
Terms of use: https://ambi.se/terms
You read it right. Create and save as many recipes as you like, for free.
Interactive widgets:
You can now follow a recipe from start finish without opening Ambre. And if you put it in StandBy mode you get a full screen experience!
Timers in recipes are now automatically detected and a button is shown to quickly set the timer. Timers are available in app, dynamic island, live activity and widgets. This happens with on device intelligence and works offline. Timers are detected in English, Spanish, Mandarin, Arabic, German, Italian and Portuguese.
The best recipe import:
Ambre is the best and easiest way of collecting and storing recipes digitally. Decides for yourself by checking out all our import options!
Import from URL* :
Gather recipes from any website, keep them easily available in one place. With on device intelligence you can import recipes straight from the web with our share extension. You can also copy and paste the URL in-app to create the recipe.
Import from a cook book* :
Take a photo of a recipe in your cook book and share it with Ambre, and you'll have it stored in a safe place forever.
Import from audio* :
Simply describe how to cook the dish as you would to a friend, Ambre will sort ingredients and instructions automatically!
Import from Paprika:
No reason to hesitate making the big switch to Ambre anymore. With the Paprika Import you'll have all of your old recipes added to Ambre in no time!
Get hands free step-by-step guidance using Siri. Perfect for big and small kitchens, sticky fingers and when you want to focus on one step at a time. Works on iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, Apple TV Mac and HomePod!
Unit conversion *:
You can convert any recipe to Metric or Imperial units, whatever is the easiest for you!
Device sync:
When connected to the internet, your recipes will be backed up to iCloud and synced across all of your supported Apple devices, such as iPhone, iPad, Mac, Apple Watch and tvOS.
Available offline:
Your recipes are stored on device, no need to be online. Perfect for when you want to stay off the grid.
Meal plans *:
Always know what's for dinner by planning ahead. Create as many as you need, and invite anyone you'd like.
View as list:
Sometimes we remember recipes only by image, other times it's easier with a clear text. Now you get the privilege of toggling between list and grid.
Your data is yours, we don't use any kind of 3rd party tracking. Oh and by the way, you don't have to register or sign up either.
Big event or dinner for two? Minimize food waste by scaling and only cook only what you need. Good for both your wallet and the planet!
We support all sizes, on all platforms available.
By checking off added ingredients and completed instruction steps, it is easier to follow and complete any given recipe. And by supporting dynamic type sizes and dark mode, we are trying our best to meet the needs for each and everyone of you.
Invite friends and family to edit a recipe, or why not share a meal plan together? Perfect for when planning get-togethers and events!
See what other users in the Ambre Community are sharing for anyone to try! Now with Profiles, it's easier to find all the recipes shared by the same Chef at once.
Free from ads:
Commercials are the last thing you want to see when double checking the amount of an ingredient in a critical moment.
*Available with Ambre+
Privacy policy: https://ambi.se/privacy
Terms of use: https://ambi.se/terms
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