voice - Deliver to the world - icon

voice - Deliver to the world -


About voice - Deliver to the world -

In an environment not related to SNS or everyday life, why not just voice your thoughts?
It's not just to tell someone, but just to express your feelings.
From ancient times, the words that you uttered are said to be "言霊" and have power ...

Just talking to your thoughts without being bound by friends and acquaintances.
That's it ...

This application does not require any personal information.
If you register your favorite nickname, you can voice your thoughts.

Why do not you voice the thought that you felt?

Even if you ask someone to ask you.
But you can not know who the hearing it is.
Voices that no one can respond to will disappear after one day ...
But, your voice as a voice may have changed something in the world as a "言霊" ...

Even if you can not make it a voice,
Something may change just by listening to someone's voice ...

Only one voice, it connects with only voice ...

voice is an application born of such thought.

voice - Deliver to the world - Screenshots