JobSukoi is your secured and power search engine for job listings in Japan. We are different from our competitors because we will never store any information or your preferences online. We believe that privacy is the main key of building this application.
JobSukoi has many millions of job listings based in Japan, you can specify your workplace for any prefecture or distinct you like such as Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto, Sapporo and major prefectures.
JobSukoi also provides you features as mentioned below
- Job search and listing based on your desired role and place you'd like to work
- Discover through your histories of searching
- Add any bookmark or favourite job listings in the application
- Job Alert Service : Schedule a notification daily or weekly based on your desired role and place you'd like to work
- Job Description Translator : Language conversion between Japanese and English for job description
And sharing job detail, graphics and entertaining user experience.
Stay up-to-date for new feature and improved
Download latest version now and go find your opportunities to work in Japan
=== Stay Hungry Stay Foolish ===
Any suggestion is welcome with pleasure, please contact through email for marketing and suggestion purpose.
JobSukoi has many millions of job listings based in Japan, you can specify your workplace for any prefecture or distinct you like such as Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto, Sapporo and major prefectures.
JobSukoi also provides you features as mentioned below
- Job search and listing based on your desired role and place you'd like to work
- Discover through your histories of searching
- Add any bookmark or favourite job listings in the application
- Job Alert Service : Schedule a notification daily or weekly based on your desired role and place you'd like to work
- Job Description Translator : Language conversion between Japanese and English for job description
And sharing job detail, graphics and entertaining user experience.
Stay up-to-date for new feature and improved
Download latest version now and go find your opportunities to work in Japan
=== Stay Hungry Stay Foolish ===
Any suggestion is welcome with pleasure, please contact through email for marketing and suggestion purpose.
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