CEMPRO Lite icon


Pegasus Vertex, Inc.
3.8 out of 5

About CEMPRO Lite

As wellbore configurations get more and more complicated, so have calculating slurry volumes and plotting wellbore schematics with fluids. The CEMPRO Lite mobile app, a must- have cementing visualization toolbox, will help users quickly and accurately perform slurry volume calculations and facilitate viewing wellbore schematics with fluids.
CEMPRO Lite helps create realistic casing/working strings in one session using a variety of different combinations. Users are also able to review wellbore schematics with fluids by specifying the fluid location or the pumping volume.
This free sophisticated yet simple to use app not only saves time and money, but also helps users better understand cementing jobs than ever before!
The CEMPRO Lite app can handle up to 10 pipe sections and a maximum of 10 circulating fluids.

CEMPRO Lite Screenshots