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Yoshihiro Irizuki

About 3TaLK

3TaLK is a simple chat application.
If you want to contact a friend, you just send a message with 3TaLK.

[3TaLK is such an application]

■Simple chat.

From usual chatting to important messages, you can quickly and easily send messages to friends and family.

■A little closed interaction with a friend.

It is a simple chat application with one to one users, which does not have a function like SNS.
Since it is necessary to go through 'Friend application' and its 'approval (or refusal)' with other users (although it is a little troublesome)
There is no connection with a person who does not know suddenly.

■ Also supports group chat.

3TaLK is primarily a one-on-one chat, but "lounge" can be used when saying "I want to contact members of my family, friends, or circles collectively."
Messages sent in the lounge will be sent to all participating members in the lounge.

■Message with "voice".

3TaLK can record and send your voice and surrounding sounds.
It is useful when expressing with characters and wanting to convey painful nuances or when typing characters is troublesome.

■There is "sound effect".

You can attach a sound effect to the message.
Try adding only when it is not enough with text, attaching a sound that matches the image to be attached, trying to reply with only sound effects, How to use is various.

■Delete messages automatically.

3TaLK's message will be deleted automatically after 90 days.

3TaLK Screenshots