A lot of Fun and Beautiful Pictures!!!
This app is designed by Ms Jessica, Certified English Teacher at University of Cambridge, for any one who is interested in learning Mandarin which is popular language in the southern parts of Asia such as Hong Kong, Macau, Canton and Singapore.
This Mandarin Intermediate app has more than 610 beautiful pictures and questions.
You will be ready to communicate with the local people in Mandarin and read the simple Chinese when you visit these areas next time.
Please feel free to let us know your feedback, questions or concerns at inventlinks@gmail.com
Enjoy and have fun!
This app is designed by Ms Jessica, Certified English Teacher at University of Cambridge, for any one who is interested in learning Mandarin which is popular language in the southern parts of Asia such as Hong Kong, Macau, Canton and Singapore.
This Mandarin Intermediate app has more than 610 beautiful pictures and questions.
You will be ready to communicate with the local people in Mandarin and read the simple Chinese when you visit these areas next time.
Please feel free to let us know your feedback, questions or concerns at inventlinks@gmail.com
Enjoy and have fun!
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