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Coach For Pokemon Go

Isabelle Bremond
5.0 out of 5

About Coach For Pokemon Go

GEN 1, GEN 2 & GEN 3. Create a favourable matchup with the Pokémon defending a gym by obtaining their weaknesses: simply type their names conveniently in our widget, without leaving the Pokemon GO app. The Today Widget gives you also quick access to IV, MoveSets, Resistance, Evolution, Type of any Pokémon while you are in Game. The App has a new "BAG" functionality. You can also select the Weather to be even more accurate.

You can then choose the right opponent for the battle.

The Bag: The app now let you register your Pokemon and you will be able to compare them, to find your best counter or the best training pokemon. You can also compare all the possible Pokemon against each other by selecting "0% IV Fake Pokeball" in the more tab. Note: to register a Pokemon you need to calculate his IV in the widget, IF the Widget found ONE possible value for the statistics of this Pokemon it will ask for his moves and record it in your bag.

Every Pokémon has either one or two 'types'. Each type has strengths and weaknesses against other types. For example, grass is vulnerable to fire, while fire is vulnerable to water and water is vulnerable to grass, etc.

Coach For Pokemon Go App also provides quick access to Weakness, Resistance and Type of all the Pokémon. You can also ask your team mate to come help you keep the gym you just conquered by sending them your location or share where you just caught a Pokemon by pressing on it for 2 seconds.

Some Stickers have been added.

How to Install the widget: You need to "Edit" your "Today" widget list besides the "Notification" in the dropdown and add "Minidex From Coach For Pokemon Go". To "Edit" your Today widget list: click on "Today" in the pull down screen, then scroll down and click on "Edit" and finally click on the + besides the name "Minidex From Coach For Pokemon Go".

For the latest app NEWS, TUTORIAL VIDEOS and some TIPS follow us on twitter @CoachPokemonGo. If you find some issue please let us know on the support website

P.S: Reviews are important for us so please take a moment to write a review! If you think something else is needed in the widget let us know in a review or send us a message on twitter @CoachPokemonGo or on Facebook Coachforpokemongo , Thanks a lot to those who already wrote a Review

If you would like to help use to localise the app or the website in you language contact us.

Coach For Pokemon Go is not associated, affiliated, endorsed, sponsored or approved by ©Niantic ( developer of Pokemon Go ) or ©Pokémon Company.
All rights reserved © Pokemon company and Ken Sugimori. All cartoon, manga and anime characters featured on this app are the property of their respective owners.
The pictures come from
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