Study on the go with this comprehensive, easy-to-use app and ace the NLN PAX-RN exam on your first try! Browse the material or create customizable practice tests that mirror the actual exam in format, content and level of difficulty so that there are no surprises on test day. Achieve the score you need to get into the nursing school of your choice.
Inside the app you'll find:
· 800 questions (after upgrade) organized into three sections including verbal ability, mathematics, and science
· Fully customizable practice tests, progress indicator and analytics
· Clear explanations in the answer key for all sample test questions
· Expert strategies on achieving a top score
Free initial download provides 80 questions and detailed explanations across the three categories. Purchase the in-app upgrade to unlock a total of 800 questions and answers for a thorough, effective review of the material.
Tracking your progress is easy! As you advance through the material, a circular progress indicator lets you know how many questions you have answered in each category. You can even customize your study plan by flagging questions as you go, pinpointing problem areas for additional review. Solidify your knowledge by creating personalized quizzes using these flagged questions or by selecting certain categories.
Detailed analytics allow you to review your quiz history and statistics including weekly progress. Discover your category strengths and weaknesses and adjust your study prep accordingly. By offering a rigorous review of key concepts and facts, this app gives you the knowledge you need to master the NLN PAX-RN exam and get started on a rewarding nursing career.
About the Author:
Joseph Brennan is an experienced educator who has written numerous books on test preparation.
Have a question or would like to share your feedback? Please send us an email at:
Inside the app you'll find:
· 800 questions (after upgrade) organized into three sections including verbal ability, mathematics, and science
· Fully customizable practice tests, progress indicator and analytics
· Clear explanations in the answer key for all sample test questions
· Expert strategies on achieving a top score
Free initial download provides 80 questions and detailed explanations across the three categories. Purchase the in-app upgrade to unlock a total of 800 questions and answers for a thorough, effective review of the material.
Tracking your progress is easy! As you advance through the material, a circular progress indicator lets you know how many questions you have answered in each category. You can even customize your study plan by flagging questions as you go, pinpointing problem areas for additional review. Solidify your knowledge by creating personalized quizzes using these flagged questions or by selecting certain categories.
Detailed analytics allow you to review your quiz history and statistics including weekly progress. Discover your category strengths and weaknesses and adjust your study prep accordingly. By offering a rigorous review of key concepts and facts, this app gives you the knowledge you need to master the NLN PAX-RN exam and get started on a rewarding nursing career.
About the Author:
Joseph Brennan is an experienced educator who has written numerous books on test preparation.
Have a question or would like to share your feedback? Please send us an email at:
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