The reference covers the full range of chemicals, medications, natural compounds, adverse interactions, and patient presentations with toxicologic causes.
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ABOUT: The 5 Minute Toxicology Consult
Shows Basics, Diagnosis, Signs/Symptoms, Treatment, Follow-up, & Pitfalls. Shows chemicals, medications, natural compounds, adverse interactions.
The 5 Minute Toxicology Consult is a reliable rapid-access guide to assessing and treating poisoned patients. Designed and organized for quick consultation and focused on practical clinical issues, the reference covers the full range of chemicals, medications, natural compounds, adverse interactions, and patient presentations with toxicologic causes.
Each topic is divided into standard categories: Basics, Diagnosis, Signs/Symptoms, Treatment, Follow-up, and Pitfalls. An entire section is devoted to evaluating patients with suspected but unidentified poisoning. At least two experienced, board-certified, practicing emergency physicians and toxicologists were involved in the editing of every section.
Author: Richard C. Dart, MD, PhD, Katherine M. Hurlbut, MD, Edwin K. Kuffner, MD and Luke Yip, MD
Publisher: Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
ISBN-13: 978-0683302028
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- Approximately 10% of the content is viewable in the free app and tapping on the locked topic will launch the in-app purchase screen.
ABOUT: The 5 Minute Toxicology Consult
Shows Basics, Diagnosis, Signs/Symptoms, Treatment, Follow-up, & Pitfalls. Shows chemicals, medications, natural compounds, adverse interactions.
The 5 Minute Toxicology Consult is a reliable rapid-access guide to assessing and treating poisoned patients. Designed and organized for quick consultation and focused on practical clinical issues, the reference covers the full range of chemicals, medications, natural compounds, adverse interactions, and patient presentations with toxicologic causes.
Each topic is divided into standard categories: Basics, Diagnosis, Signs/Symptoms, Treatment, Follow-up, and Pitfalls. An entire section is devoted to evaluating patients with suspected but unidentified poisoning. At least two experienced, board-certified, practicing emergency physicians and toxicologists were involved in the editing of every section.
Author: Richard C. Dart, MD, PhD, Katherine M. Hurlbut, MD, Edwin K. Kuffner, MD and Luke Yip, MD
Publisher: Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
ISBN-13: 978-0683302028
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You choose the method to note this regardless of the context you are in to ensure that the important facts are available whenever you access the topic, whether it is tomorrow or six months from now.
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