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All sports in the World

Yaroslav Maxymovych

About All sports in the World

Allsportintheworld - a site whose target audience are residents of the United States. Nevertheless, the site has a very broad content and its readers are sports fans from all around the world.

It provides a daily supply of high-quality information on the outcome of sporting events in the world. You can find information about transfers, injuries and changes in different teams. The website is presented in eight headings such as: Tennis, MLB, Motosport, Golf, NHL, NFL, NBA and News Sport.

Each of the categories is regularly filled with news. The website itself has a really nice look and is really easy to use. To attract a bigger audience a Facebook group was created, which allows you to clearly and quickly share news to as many people from all around the world.

All users of our site are bruogt together only by one thing - love to sport.

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