Travel Map - Mark your Trips icon

Travel Map - Mark your Trips

Arnau Marti Font
2.1 out of 5

About Travel Map - Mark your Trips

TravelStory is an application to have a reminder of all your travels during your travel life, you start leaving a mark in the Map and after that, you are ready to check the place and add all the information like Photos and a Description also you can change the Date (by default it will be the actual date when a travel is added) in your "Travels List", you can edit everything in the detail view of the travel.

Why TravelStory?

TravelStory is an easy and simple app to store your travels sorts by date with an easy registration with your Facebook account, also is the only app in the store capable to mark a travel in a Map by City & Country.

If you have any question feel free to contact me with this email:

Travel Map - Mark your Trips Screenshots