Once upon a time there was a bored doodler in an interminable business meeting. Shackled by his lack of imagination, he drew a simple 90 degree angle in his lab notebook. Then he drew another. And another. Like the proverbial cartoon anvil falling from the sky, the inspired mechanics of this new type of puzzle plastered the doodler right on the noggin. It was immediately clear that T's and Crosses could make the puzzles more interesting. It was not long before the doodler shrugged off the handcuffs of his corporate job to explore this new territory. It seemed these simple shapes could be combined endlessly... and now they have been.
Try your hand at this intriguing new puzzle game in which you pair brackets to make rectangles. The objective is to find the best-scoring combination of rectangles. Sound easy? As your skills develop, mind-blowing new pieces will keep you on your toes. Unlock free play mode for endless challenges.
Sometimes, a puzzle game is just a puzzle game and not a trap to drain you of money. To that end, this version of Brackets! is now free. Yes, there are ads and inApp purchases available, but they are there only to help you if you need a hint or want to reward the authors for their hard work.
Try your hand at this intriguing new puzzle game in which you pair brackets to make rectangles. The objective is to find the best-scoring combination of rectangles. Sound easy? As your skills develop, mind-blowing new pieces will keep you on your toes. Unlock free play mode for endless challenges.
Sometimes, a puzzle game is just a puzzle game and not a trap to drain you of money. To that end, this version of Brackets! is now free. Yes, there are ads and inApp purchases available, but they are there only to help you if you need a hint or want to reward the authors for their hard work.
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