"Should I perform the straight leg raise test for my patient with back pain for radiculopathy?"
What is the evidence behind your exam?
RelevantPhysical is an app which allows you to determine 'how relevant' certain musculoskeletal (MSK) physical exams are at the point-of-care.
1. Special tests in the MSK exam organized according to symptoms, body regions and diagnoses.
2. Descriptions of the indications for each test, instructions on how to perform each test, the sensitivity and specificity of the test as well as the positive and negative likelihood ratios.
3. Embedded videos to demonstrate how the special test is performed.
4. Our key feature, The Relevance Determination Engine, calculates the posttest probability of a condition based on users' pretest probability.
RelevantPhysical can be used as a teaching tool to apply evidence-based medicine at bedside by using the Relevance Determination Engine; helping users decide if a special test in the MSK exam will assist in diagnosis!
News: The creators of RelevantPhysical will make an oral presentation at the American College of Rheumatology (ACR) Meeting 2016 regarding the educational use of the current app!
What is the evidence behind your exam?
RelevantPhysical is an app which allows you to determine 'how relevant' certain musculoskeletal (MSK) physical exams are at the point-of-care.
1. Special tests in the MSK exam organized according to symptoms, body regions and diagnoses.
2. Descriptions of the indications for each test, instructions on how to perform each test, the sensitivity and specificity of the test as well as the positive and negative likelihood ratios.
3. Embedded videos to demonstrate how the special test is performed.
4. Our key feature, The Relevance Determination Engine, calculates the posttest probability of a condition based on users' pretest probability.
RelevantPhysical can be used as a teaching tool to apply evidence-based medicine at bedside by using the Relevance Determination Engine; helping users decide if a special test in the MSK exam will assist in diagnosis!
News: The creators of RelevantPhysical will make an oral presentation at the American College of Rheumatology (ACR) Meeting 2016 regarding the educational use of the current app!
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