How can you tell your spouse that you didn't like something he or she just did (i.e., a Love Buster) without using Love Busters yourself?
Or how can you remember to tell your spouse that you really liked what he or she just did?
Or what if your spouse asks you how you feel about something and you don't know how to respond honestly?
The phrases developed by Jennifer Harley Chalmers in the early 1990s have helped many couples effectively give their Gift of Honesty. This app helps you use those phrases: "I'd love it if you would...", "I love it when you...", and "I rate... a... out of 5."
After a desired, specific behavior or plan is typed into the appropriate phrase, like "I'd love it if you would empty the garbage when it is full" or "I rate going to the movie on Saturday a 2 out of 5", then you can view and edit the phrase to make sure it is a specific and desired behavior or plan ("not" is avoided). When you approve the text, you can send it to your spouse...giving the Gift of Honesty.
To learn more about the Four Gifts of Love®,
please go to FourGiftsofLove.Org
How can you tell your spouse that you didn't like something he or she just did (i.e., a Love Buster) without using Love Busters yourself?
Or how can you remember to tell your spouse that you really liked what he or she just did?
Or what if your spouse asks you how you feel about something and you don't know how to respond honestly?
The phrases developed by Jennifer Harley Chalmers in the early 1990s have helped many couples effectively give their Gift of Honesty. This app helps you use those phrases: "I'd love it if you would...", "I love it when you...", and "I rate... a... out of 5."
After a desired, specific behavior or plan is typed into the appropriate phrase, like "I'd love it if you would empty the garbage when it is full" or "I rate going to the movie on Saturday a 2 out of 5", then you can view and edit the phrase to make sure it is a specific and desired behavior or plan ("not" is avoided). When you approve the text, you can send it to your spouse...giving the Gift of Honesty.
To learn more about the Four Gifts of Love®,
please go to FourGiftsofLove.Org
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