Excavator Crane: Bulldozer & Concrete Loader Drive icon

Excavator Crane: Bulldozer & Concrete Loader Drive

elinx technologies
3.6 out of 5

About Excavator Crane: Bulldozer & Concrete Loader Drive

Let’s build roads before the snow & holiday season.

Operate cranes & heavy excavator to get the feel of what construction projects are all about. You will be building roads and laying the groundwork. You get to use the heavy roller to make the surface smooth and then throw the tar. Paint the marking lines on the road neatly.

Experience the simulation of elevating the excavator shaft, rotating it with precision and use the shovel to start digging. Heavy machinery is not easy to drive so be extremely careful as construction sites are hazardous work environments.

We are all counting on you to have those roads all shiny & painted!

Excavator Crane: Bulldozer & Concrete Loader Drive Screenshots