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Gobble Ball

Aabid Siddique
5.0 out of 5

About Gobble Ball

Gobble Ball puts the fun back in Ball Physics. The aim of the game is simple. Don't let the moving Gobble Ball touch the edges of the screen. You can do this by drawing lines in front of the Ball's path to deflect it. And deflect the Ball towards the fruits so it can eat them up which gets you points. Eating the Bonus Star unlocks a special round!

Here is how scoring works.
Mango - 10 Points
Orange - 20 Points
Banana - 30 Points
Apple - 40 Points
Watermelon - 100 Points
Star - Unlocks Bonus Round.

With each update, I will add different types of Bonus Rounds and Fruits that unlock new features. Please send me your feedback at aabid.s@live.com and I will include them in my future updates. Happy Playing!

Gobble Ball Screenshots