LaPlan icon


Andrew Ermakov
3.0 out of 5

About LaPlan

LaPlan is a tool for quick creation of building drawings and detailed description of rooms located in them, support synchronization with Leica (D2, D110, D510,D810), CEM iLDM-150 and Bosch.
The mobile application LaPlan Mobile is designed for integrated use with laser rangefinder. The application processes measurements and creates an building drawing with its basic elements (windows, doors, columns, etc) directly onsite. You can immediately calculate the area of the object and attach additional information such as photos, text and voice comments to each object in the drawing. All you need is to synchronize your mobile device (smartphone or tablet) and the laser rangefinder via Bluetooth, launch the application and select measurement mode for the desired object. The program interface is built on the principle of "question-answer", a question appears on the screen and one should either choose an answer or measure the object.

Free version for trial use only. It has a number of limitations: saving, synchronization with the portal and conversion to DWG are blocked.

Personal version designed for private use. After purchasing this version you will be able to create drawings, save them on a mobile device or in the LaPlan cloud, where you will be able to convert drawings to DWG.

With professional version you can synchronize your mobile device with laser rangefinder, it's very effective tool if you often works with real estate drawings. In this version adds the function of connection to rangefinder by Bluetooth to transfer measurings to the app.

LaPlan Screenshots