In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit one God Amen.
Under the Sponsorship of His Holiness Pope Tawadros the second, Pope of Alexandria and his partner in the service our Bishop Anba Karas and the priest of our church Father Tadros Salieb, and through the prayers and intersessions of St Pope Kyrillos VI we started a new class of St Stephen the Archdeacon for teaching Rites, Hymns and Tasbeha for the deacons and the Congregation of age 13 years and up on every Tuesday from 7- 9 pm.
-The class is under the supervision of Deacon Sameh Boules.
-We will provide you with Hazzat files and Audios of the hymns.
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Under the Sponsorship of His Holiness Pope Tawadros the second, Pope of Alexandria and his partner in the service our Bishop Anba Karas and the priest of our church Father Tadros Salieb, and through the prayers and intersessions of St Pope Kyrillos VI we started a new class of St Stephen the Archdeacon for teaching Rites, Hymns and Tasbeha for the deacons and the Congregation of age 13 years and up on every Tuesday from 7- 9 pm.
-The class is under the supervision of Deacon Sameh Boules.
-We will provide you with Hazzat files and Audios of the hymns.
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