Proto Indo European etymological dictionary icon

Proto Indo European etymological dictionary

Trang Hoai
4.0 out of 5

About Proto Indo European etymological dictionary

This app provides an offline version of Proto Indo European etymological dictionary

This dictionary introduces Proto-Indo-European, describes how it was reconstructed from its descendant languages, and shows what it reveals about the people who spoke it between 5,500 and 8,000 years ago.

Using related evidence from archaeology and natural history the dictionary explores the lives, thoughts, passions, culture, society, economy, history, and environment of the Proto-Indo-Europeans.

It includes chapters on fauna, flora, family and kinship, clothing and textiles, food and drink, space and time, emotions, mythology, and religion.

▸ User-defined list
- Create custom lists

▸ Basic features include:
- Easy navigation
- Bookmark a word
- Words of the day
- Learn random words
- Flashcard

▸ If you want to suggest a new function or report an issue, please send feedback to us. Thank you!

Proto Indo European etymological dictionary Screenshots