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VR Star Fighters

Twin Force SL
2.3 out of 5

About VR Star Fighters

Experience first hand the feeling of piloting 2 spaceship inspired in STAR WARS, the most famous spaceships in sci-fi history.

Thanks to Google's Cardboard and to Virtual Reality (VR) you will experience a fantastic adventure.

Destroy all the meteorites you can in the assigned time.

To be able to fully enjoy the VR experience you will need a VR headset to use with your device.

- IMPORTANT: On the VR mode you will also need a bluetooth controller to be able to play -
- Now the game supports the new VR controller LIGNUM created by REMORIA VR (www.remoriavr.com). Watch how cool it is here: https://www.instagram.com/p/BF7JkvoINkg/

VR Star Fighters Screenshots