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Prescription Reminder, Refils

David White
4.4 out of 5

About Prescription Reminder, Refils

This app provides the simplest and fastest way to be reminded of prescription refills. It is especially useful in tracking family member’s prescriptions.


1. Without touching any buttons, all prescription
expiration dates (Last day of medicine), plus
a monthly calendar with the first
prescriptions to expire are displayed.
2. Without touching any buttons, the number of
pills remaining for all prescriptions are
3. Animated prescription bottles indicate the
amount of medicine remaining.
4. The Alert automaticly calculates the date
three days before the "Last Full Dose Day".
Of course, it is user adjustable.
5. This app can track up to sixteen
6. After the four fields with * are filled, the "Last
Full Dose Day"is instantly updated and when
the "Include Extra Pills" switch,
"Extra Pills/Doses", "Date Filled", "pills/Doses"
or "Quantity" is changed.
7. Store allergy list for two people.
8. Track refills.
9. Email prescription and allergy lists.
10. Smooth navigation with Swipe Left or Right
or use BACK icon to go to previous page.
11. Enter 0.25, 0.5, 1.5, 2.5 or multiple pills per 4, 8 or
12 hours, day or week.
12. Enter a note for each precription.
13. Pick number of days before last pill for alerts.
14. Track extra Pills/Doses
15. This app is FREE and has NO Advertisements.
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Prescription Reminder, Refils Screenshots