Word search soup by topic icon

Word search soup by topic

Mireia Lluch Ortola
4.3 out of 5

About Word search soup by topic

Play this word puzzle game to entertain yourself for hours.
You will simply have to create lines with your finger, these lines are created automatically.
In addition, you will be able to learn many words in Spanish, since it is the language in which the word searches are. And if you don't know Spanish you can play anyway, since you only have to look for the words as they are on the side.

- Create lines automatically.
- You can change the size of the brush as you like.
- Option to undo lines.
- Rubber option to erase.
- Option to delete all lines by pressing the trash can.
- Option to zoom and reposition the image.
- Option to share the alphabet soup.

Word search soup by topic Screenshots