Download the App for delicious deals, a great menu, a calendar of events and a salute from Semper Fi Bar & Grille in Woodstock, Georgia. Scroll through for loyalty rewards, coupons, carryout and delivery options and entertainment as well as business gatherings, where everyone is welcome and veterans and first responders are honored for their service and sacrifice. You’ll App-reciate the burgers and wings, beer and pretzels, business expos and entertainment and discounts when you tap the App for:
• Exclusive specials and savings
• Updates and notifications
• Digital punch card rewards
• And more!
The App is FREE and lots of info is right at your fingertips. C’mon in and share your story, enjoy an App-etizing meal and join those that served and continue to serve. Great food, great drinks, and a warm welcome honoring those who are “always faithful” from Semper Fi Bar & Grille in Woodstock, GA.
• Exclusive specials and savings
• Updates and notifications
• Digital punch card rewards
• And more!
The App is FREE and lots of info is right at your fingertips. C’mon in and share your story, enjoy an App-etizing meal and join those that served and continue to serve. Great food, great drinks, and a warm welcome honoring those who are “always faithful” from Semper Fi Bar & Grille in Woodstock, GA.
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