Top Movies - List of the top movies icon

Top Movies - List of the top movies

Jhoney Lopes
3.0 out of 5

About Top Movies - List of the top movies

This app it's to Movieniacs ;)
It's the easiest one to use and the whole app will use of space less than a photo of your device... WOW! yep!

Hey would like to have access a list of the top movies in the moment?

1. Open the app - no login needed :)
2. Scroll the list of movies
3. Select the one you liked
4. Click on the movie image to see a full version of it
5. See the description of the movie
6. Select one of the last trailers and your browser will be open

Do you know the best? This app is free and uses the best of the apple codification.

Top Movies - List of the top movies Screenshots

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