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Push the Circles Extreme

Dirk Schulz-Judith

About Push the Circles Extreme

Push the Circles Extreme is a strategy game with 100 different levels and different game variations.

Rings of the same color have to be vertically or horizontally placed on each other. While no rings of a different color can be skipped, only empty fields can be skipped. The value of a ring increases with the number of superposed rings. The startvalue of a ring is 1. When superimposing, the values of the start and end ring are added, the value of the starting ring is doubled. The value of a ring can increase to max. 10,000 points.

After each move, the field is filled up with rings again.

During the game, different boosters can be used to reach the level goal:
- Joker-Ring
- Silver-Ring
- Multimove-Ring
- Hammer-Ring

Push the Circles Extreme Screenshots