12C Calculator Financial RPN - Cash Flow Analysis icon

12C Calculator Financial RPN - Cash Flow Analysis

nguyen ngoc khanh
1.7 out of 5

About 12C Calculator Financial RPN - Cash Flow Analysis

This app is simulator of HP 12C Financial Programmable Calculator with below functions.

●Quick User Guide

●Decimal Style (1.234,56 / 1,234.56)

●Support Contact

●Calculator with built-in financial functions and statistics

●Uses Reverse Polish Notation (RPN)

●More than 120 built-in functions, including register-based cash-flow analysis

(2+4)x (3+7)

Summation of n, x, x2
Summation of n, x, x2, y
Summation of n, x, x2, y, xy
Summation of n, x, x2, y, y2, xy
Linear regression, estimate
Correlation coefficient

Financial Functions
●Time Value of Money
Number of payments (n)
Interest rate (i)
Present Value (PV)
Payment (PMT)
Future Value (FV)

●Cash Flow Analysis
Net present value (NPV)
Internal rate of return (IRR)

Accumulated Interest (ACC INT)
Balance (BAL)

Straight line (SL)
Sum of the years digits (SOYD)
Declining balance (DB)

●Bonds and calendar functions
Bond price
Bond yield
Date arithmetic / calendar functions

12C Calculator Financial RPN - Cash Flow Analysis Screenshots