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Spiritual Journal

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About Spiritual Journal

Spiritual Journal: Walking with Jesus 24 hours.

Who is the owner of your heart? What is on your mind 24 hours a day? The Spiritual Journal is a marvelous tool that keeps your mind from the world and helps you walk with Jesus 24 hours a day. Through this Spiritual Journal, you can enjoy the blessing of real life, “I have been crucified with Christ and Jesus lives in me”
With Jesus Ministry : Yoo Ki Sung

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1. My journal: writing journal, Edit
2. My small group: Post Spiritual Journal, Recommendation for “Amen”, Comment
3. Recommended Journals: Recommended Journals
4. Pastor’s Blog: Blog for Spiritual Journal
5. Calendar : View daily, Monthly, and Yearly status
6. Setup : Account, Open New Small Group, Small Group Assignment, Announcement, Notice

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Others Management of the Spiritual Journal website:
http://en.journalwithjesus.org, http://en.diarywithjesus.com

contact : 82-31-753-2703

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