Mokfit is a platform built by a community of fitness professionals that lets you find Fitness Partners near you and book classes at the touch of a button.
Find Fitness Partners
Find Fitness Partners in your local area using our Partner Finder. Here you can see their opening hours, if they are open or not and how far they are away from you.
Book Classes
Once you have found a Fitness Partner, you can then book classes and purchase products that these partners are selling.
Please note: Find and Create workouts will be coming soon.
Find Fitness Partners
Find Fitness Partners in your local area using our Partner Finder. Here you can see their opening hours, if they are open or not and how far they are away from you.
Book Classes
Once you have found a Fitness Partner, you can then book classes and purchase products that these partners are selling.
Please note: Find and Create workouts will be coming soon.
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