MyAccount is our FREE, safe and secure App for Southern Housing residents that live in a property previously managed by Optivo, not residents who live in a property previously managed by Southern Housing (SHG).
As one of the largest landlords in the UK, we want to make it as easy as possible for you to get in touch with us.
You can use MyAccount to:
- Contact us
- Report and track repairs
- Pay your rent and/or service charges and view statements
- View your rent breakdown and service charge information
- Update the details we hold about you and those in your household.
The MyAccount App is a quick and easy way to manage your tenancy with us. Download it today to get started.
Please note: If you’re planning to use the MyAccount App for the first time, you’ll need to register. If you’ve already registered for the website version of MyAccount, you will need to register again to use the MyAccount App (the login and password details will then remain separate).
MyAccount can be used by social housing and independent living residents, plus homeowner customers who share a communal area managed by Optivo (now Southern Housing). MyAccount is not currently suitable for Optivo (now Southern Housing) Student or Keyworker residents.
As one of the largest landlords in the UK, we want to make it as easy as possible for you to get in touch with us.
You can use MyAccount to:
- Contact us
- Report and track repairs
- Pay your rent and/or service charges and view statements
- View your rent breakdown and service charge information
- Update the details we hold about you and those in your household.
The MyAccount App is a quick and easy way to manage your tenancy with us. Download it today to get started.
Please note: If you’re planning to use the MyAccount App for the first time, you’ll need to register. If you’ve already registered for the website version of MyAccount, you will need to register again to use the MyAccount App (the login and password details will then remain separate).
MyAccount can be used by social housing and independent living residents, plus homeowner customers who share a communal area managed by Optivo (now Southern Housing). MyAccount is not currently suitable for Optivo (now Southern Housing) Student or Keyworker residents.
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