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5Min Vet Lab Tests & Diag Proc

Skyscape Medpresso Inc
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About 5Min Vet Lab Tests & Diag Proc

275+ procedures & tests. Each topic, written by an expert in the field, provides essential information on related physiology, indications, contraindications, potential complications, & client education.

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Blackwell's Five-Minute Veterinary Consult: Laboratory Tests and Diagnostic Procedures: Canine & Feline is designed to provide busy veterinary practitioners and students with a complete and quick reference to diagnostic procedures and laboratory tests that are used daily in the diagnosis and management of medical problems of dogs and cats.

Each topic, written by an expert in the field, provides essential information on related physiology, indications, contraindications, potential complications, and client education. The uniform presentation of information, arranged alphabetically from abdominal radiographs to zinc tests, allows the reader to gain easy access to vital information, making this an ideal reference to be used in a clinical setting. This latest update is based on the 2009 print edition with additional features, enhanced functionality and ongoing updates!

Key Features
- Contains more than 250 procedures and tests, including blood, urine, and fecal tests and radiographic, ultrasound, and endoscopic procedures
- General information concerning appropriate test collection and principles that can be applied to major procedures such as ultrasonography, radiography, and endoscopy can be found in the front section of the resource
- The laboratory tests section of the resource enables rapid access to clinically relevant laboratory tests, with comprehensive information on test preparation, performance, factors that affect each test, and a brief guide to test interpretation.
- The diagnostic procedures section is intended to provide clinically relevant information that will enable practitioners to determine quickly whether a procedure is indicated in a particular case enough information is included to enable veterinary practitioners or technicians to perform a procedure in house.
- Other sections provide practicing veterinarians with sufficient information to understand a procedure and prepare clients and patients for a possible referral
- Appendices at the end of the resource contain tables of laboratory normal values, therapeutic drug concentrations, and a list of diagnostic laboratories

Based on: 5th Edition
Author: Shelly L. Vaden, Joyce S. Knoll, Francis W.K. Smith, Jr. and Larry P. Tilley
Publisher: John Wiley & Son Inc. and its affiliates
ISBN-13: 978-0813817484

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