AmbiDesk Remote icon

AmbiDesk Remote

Serge Sander

About AmbiDesk Remote

AmbiDesk Remote is a very simple Extension to AmbiDesk for Hue on MacOS. Once AmbiDesk for Hue is running on a Machine in your Network, AmbiDesk Remote will connect to it over WiFi and allow you to easily and fast start or stop it without need to stand up and run to your Device to turn it off.

Once connected, AmbiDesk Remote will display current Snapshot of your Screen and position your Points of Interest regarding your Setup on AmbiDesk for Hue. This is just an Indicator, you cannot modify, related to the size you don't want to do it anyway ^^
AmbiDesk attempt to detect if AmbiDesk for Hue is running on an iMac, a MacBook or similar and customises the UI regarding to this Result.

AmbiDesk Remote Screenshots