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3.0 out of 5

About IyyappanClinic

Note, when logging in first time, use "ADMIN" as username and "ADMIN" as password.

This app is for a doctor or nurse or any care provider, to keep track of their patients and encounter history.

It is a menu driven system, that is easy to use.

This is an alternate to heavy-weight, very expensive, electronic medical records systems.

App supports the following:
1. Create/edit users/patients/symptoms/tests/diagnosis/medicine/drug interaction data
2. Create/edit walk-in tokens or appointments.
3. Create/edit patient encounters.
4. View all the above data.
5. Export all the above data.

Supports networking based on BlueTooth or WiFi.
You can set up drug-drug interactions.
Provider can add patient smoking history. Smoking history is reported via encounter history.
User can add patient-medicine allergy. If that is created, such medication will not be allowed in prescription.
App includes a detailed help file. For any questions , email to : iyyappan_n_i@hotmail.com

IyyappanClinic Screenshots