If you want to reduce your video size, this app is your best choice.
You can input the video size and the app will auto adjust the video's parameters to meet your needs.
Source video can be compressed to 1 - 30 times smaller than the original , then share with your friends or save.
Cut video to reduce video size.
Supported all video formats.
#### Main Function ####
1. Compress video size .
2. Cut video .
3. Rotate video .
4. Auto adjust parameters to meet your video size .
5. Compression 1 - 30 times smaller than the original .
6. Support almost all video formats .
7. The lite version have watermark.
You can input the video size and the app will auto adjust the video's parameters to meet your needs.
Source video can be compressed to 1 - 30 times smaller than the original , then share with your friends or save.
Cut video to reduce video size.
Supported all video formats.
#### Main Function ####
1. Compress video size .
2. Cut video .
3. Rotate video .
4. Auto adjust parameters to meet your video size .
5. Compression 1 - 30 times smaller than the original .
6. Support almost all video formats .
7. The lite version have watermark.
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