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Trans-Tasman Software Pty Ltd
5.0 out of 5

About Safetyminder

For onsite management of your Work, Health & Safety. Safetyminder allows you to manage all aspects of your responsibility within the workplace, saving time and making you safer at work.
Allows you to manage your personal profile, including updating personal details, medical issues, licenses, training and on-site inductions. Complete all tasks assigned to you and sign off when you are finished. Working in conjunction with your existing WH&S system, you have instant access to all your SWMS, Work Instructions and Policies. Instant reporting for asbestos issues, personal injuries and vehicle accidents. Along with full access to your stored Safety Data Sheets and Equipment manuals. Immediate access to all your emergency contact numbers, enabling quick responses to emergency situations.
Enabling users to utilise the full mobility of their safety system in the workplace. Covering all small to medium enterprises who want to improve their safety management. Safetyminder’s comprehensive coverage of all aspects relating to your Work Health & Safety requirements. Allowing full access to your whole system in the palm of your hand.
Main Features:
- Ease management of your personal profile.
- Execute tasks quickly and easily
- Take photos and attach to tasks
- Instant notifications for personal injury & accidents
- Complete Corrective actions
- Complete Incident & Investigations
- Quick and easy sign off process

Safetyminder Screenshots

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