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About Wihkum

The Wihkum app has been designed and developed in consultation with Schools, Organisations and Government Departments to create a SAFETY NET for all staff at work. In the event of a threatening situation (violence/assault), fire, accident or need for medical assistance - Staff can press the HELP button on their cell/mobile phone to activate the App. The App will immediately place a voice call for "Help/Assistance", alert the closest Trained "First Responders" and send an email to a Distribution List. Your Staff won't need to think about WHO to contact at a moment’s notice - they just need to press a simple button and Wihkum does the rest in an instant.

To enrol into the Wihkum SAFETY NET and be a part of the community - please see your School’s Administration or Organisation's Health & Safety Team to subscribe, download and enrol the App today.

Safe Watch Global’s core belief is "In a time of need the closest people around you will be the quickest to respond" - we believe Wihkum will HELP keep your Staff safe.

Wihkum Screenshots

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