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Quinton Askew
4.9 out of 5

About Xplor

Find events globally, or within 500 miles of your current location. Don't have a way or rather not go anywhere? Just bring the party to you!

Create your own events, schedule them for whenever you'd like, and control who will receive the details for the events. Send invitations to others and accept requests to attend. Your events can be anything to do, including picnic dates, gaming tournaments, and concerts.

Events that are located in your 500 mile radius, and those that were made by those you follow, will be here. Posts can be liked, commented on, favorited, and shared. View each event's description on the timeline, and can request to attend if it's private.

Twenty-four hours after surrounding events' start time, they are sent to the archive where they can be viewed later. Engage with the post as if it was on the timeline, and also add images and videos for others to see it's archived page.

World ( Discover | Map )
Find other Xplor users who are in your range. Visit their profiles on your other favorite social networks directly from their Xplor profile page.
Navigate to events and view the description of events on the Map view. Only public in your range, and events you were accepted to attend are found there.

Box ( Inbox | Invitations )
Chat with others realtime, also manage your event's requests to attend/invitations. Accepting people will place your event's map pin on their maps. View the guest list before the event, and the attendance during the event. Each of your private events come equipped with a QR Code that is in app, and can be emailed for physical usage. Attending users have to scan the QR Code to join the attendance and for it to be added to their attended events.

Our goal is for you to always have something to do when you want to, and be able to do it with only who you want there. This is for all of the events that were ruined due to unwanted guests, and for the college students who want to have social gatherings without the risk of being evicted. We tried to solve as many problems as possible, and we will continue to do so. We hope you enjoy!

Safety was our highest priority in the making of this application.
We highly recommend you get to know others and verify that they are who they say they are, before letting them, or going, into their personal space.
Visit our website for more information on how you can Xplor safely.

Xplor Screenshots