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Technopreneur's Resource Centre Pte Ltd

About SOHA

Why SOHA? 1. An education provider with a social mission. 2. Affordable and accessible competency-based education, with flexible option. 3. Dedicated and qualified trainers. 4. Complete and comprehensive training material. 5. Courses are accredited by local and international bodies such as Singapore SkillsFuture Agency, ITEC (UK), Chengdu University of TCM.

1. 首昊学院是以社会使命为己任的私人教育中心。
2. 职业技能的传授是以收价实惠与时间灵活的专业培训为本。
3. 敬业乐业合格的导师群。
4. 教材内容难易适中,适用性强,使用面广。
5. 课程有国际和本体机构认可.

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