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Hooman Rashidi
5.0 out of 5

About HemeQuiz1

Highlights & Features:

** Hundreds of Hematology and Hematopathology questions with full explanations made for medical students, CLS students and MLT students

* Also very useful for residents and fellows with interest in Hematology/ Hematopathology

* Explanations provided for each correct and incorrect answer choice (edited by experts)

* Questions are separated into 17 hematology categories (Normal Hematopoiesis, Anemias, Hemoglobin disorders, Coagulation, Clotting and bleeding disorders, AMLs, B & T-ALLs, Myeloproliferative neoplasms, Myelodysplastic Syndromes, B-cell & T-cell Non Hodgkin lymphomas, Hodgkin lymphomas, Plasma cell neoplasms, Molecular Hematology, and Transfusion medicine)

* Questions in each category were provided / edited by content experts in Hematology from various institutions of higher learning

* Colorful microscopic and cartoon pictures incorporated

* Randomized questions and answer choices in each category (this way you don't see the same order of questions or answer choices)

* Each randomized question session is 10 questions long

* Game center capability incorporated so you can play with your friends

* Progress in each category is automatically displayed so that the students can track which categories are completed, nearly completed, or need to get started on
(Presented both graphically and numerically for your convenience)

* Capability to turn the sound and/or explanations on or off before starting each quiz session.

* Brought to you by the highly rated Hematology Outlines educational series.

We hope you find this helpful in your educational endeavors

Hooman H. Rashidi MD & John C. Nguyen MD

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