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Diver Video LLC
3.0 out of 5

About SUDiver

The Diver app brings the original Stanford University Digital Interactive Video Exploration and Reflection (DIVER) project* to Apple's iPad and iPhone. Features of the new app include:

• A touch interface implementation of Diver's "guided-noticing" spatial and temporal point-of-view video referencing; users can move & resize the Diver guided-noticing rectangle via iOS's familiar touch interface.

• An updated implementation of Diver's networked/Internet sharing of point-of-view video clips; allowing for a) dives** directly on your own videos or any YouTube*** video, and b) easy social sharing of dive clips on e.g. Twitter or Facebook.

For more info about the app read the latest notes/documentation:

Please also see our EULA (end-user-licensing-agreement):

* For more info about the original Stanford University Diver project visit:

** "Dives" are time/space referenced video clips made by (temporally) selecting sub-portions of a video and (spatially) highlighting areas of the video's frame.

*** Only academic and/or research users can directly access YouTube videos from within Diver.

SUDiver Screenshots

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