Now Departing provides real-time departure board information for your commute or train journey within the UK. You can use it for general departure enquiries and to check and view the latest service updates.
You can set a station as your Home station which allows you to quickly access the departure information and service updates without the need for searching.
You can view the detail of each journey, giving you a breakdown of the stops, train operator, the time of each stop and if available the departing platform.
It will tell you which services are on-time, which are delayed and which are cancelled along with any provided reasons.
You can set a station as your Home station which allows you to quickly access the departure information and service updates without the need for searching.
You can view the detail of each journey, giving you a breakdown of the stops, train operator, the time of each stop and if available the departing platform.
It will tell you which services are on-time, which are delayed and which are cancelled along with any provided reasons.
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