Wedding Planner by Planestry icon

Wedding Planner by Planestry

Planestry Inc
5.0 out of 5

About Wedding Planner by Planestry

Download Planestry’s Wedding Planner app - the easiest way for engaged couples in the New York area to find, book and collaborate with wedding vendors for their big day.

Find great vendors
* Select from our large catalog of NY-based vendors
* Request dates and pricing from vendors with one click, then get notified when a vendor responds

Chat anywhere
* Chat with any Planestry vendor using our built in Conversations messenger
* Continue the conversation on your desktop, tablet, or phone

Manage your budget
* Set your total budget and your budget per vendor type
* As you lock in rates with your booked vendors, your budget will update to keep you on track

Planestry is dedicated to making your wedding planning journey a fun and simple experience. Download our app now to get started.
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Wedding Planner by Planestry Screenshots