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Word Rummy

Robert Bosch
4.9 out of 5

About Word Rummy

In Word Rummy, your goal is to find seven-letter words hidden in a tableau of 52 letters.

Each letter represents a playing card, and the cards in the tableau are organized by suit (rows) and rank (columns). Words are made up of one sequence (consecutive letters of increasing value within the same suit) and one set (letters of the same rank in any order), one with three letters and the other with four.

A successful play scores points equal to the sum of the values of the cards in the word. Scoring 350 points will unlock the next hand, and you will earn chips for reaching 350 and 500 points and for finding all words in the hand.

The premise is simple, but the puzzles are not: this collection of challenging word searches with a twist will put both your observational skills and your vocabulary to the test.

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