Book your taxi directly into our dispatch system and jump the phone queues.
Taxi fare estimates are available when placing a booking.
Book a taxi using the app, which uses your phone GPS to determine your pickup point or place, and if required, further fine-tune the map pin location using the map presented on the screen of your phone.
Create an ‘as soon as possible’ booking or a ‘pre-booking’. Manage multiple bookings.
Once the driver accepts the booking, the vehicle is displayed on the map.
Receive notifications when the vehicle is en-route or when the vehicle has arrived at the pick-up address.
Passengers are able to access their booking history and favourite locations.
The Wodonga Taxis App delivers a streamlined booking alternative for the border region.
Taxi fare estimates are available when placing a booking.
Book a taxi using the app, which uses your phone GPS to determine your pickup point or place, and if required, further fine-tune the map pin location using the map presented on the screen of your phone.
Create an ‘as soon as possible’ booking or a ‘pre-booking’. Manage multiple bookings.
Once the driver accepts the booking, the vehicle is displayed on the map.
Receive notifications when the vehicle is en-route or when the vehicle has arrived at the pick-up address.
Passengers are able to access their booking history and favourite locations.
The Wodonga Taxis App delivers a streamlined booking alternative for the border region.
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