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Sean Arietta
3.7 out of 5

About Mycolog

=== Quick List of Features ===

(1) Offline map support -- No one gets great cell reception in the woods, but everyone has a GPS signal
(2) Pinpoint your location and altitude -- Find a mushroom once in a spot and you'll surely find it again there
(3) Easy input of common attributes -- Every mushroom book starts by advocating you log these
(4) Optimized for one-hand use -- Mushroom in one hand, log in the other
(5) Experimental Exploration Mode -- Use public records of mushroom discoveries via iNaturalist to find potential foraging locations

Please Note: If you are looking for an app to automatically identify mushrooms for you, this is not it.

I am providing this app free-of-charge to other mycology enthusiasts, but should you wish to support my continued development efforts, you can donate via the Settings page :).

=== The Story of Mycolog ===

I recently fell in love with mushroom hunting. Initially, I relied on paper and pencil to keep track of my finds and forays. But that left me with incomprehensible directions and descriptions.

Having a good log is the cornerstone of making mushroom hunting more approachable.

So I searched for a technology to help me. I found apps that promised to identify mushrooms through photos, but I didn't want that. I wanted an app to help me keep track of my finds.

Thus, the idea to create Mycolog was born.

Mycolog was created over the course of several months. I developed this app while testing it in the field as I hunted mushrooms this past season. I think I've arrived at some very useful features that would otherwise be nearly impossible without Mycolog:

(1) Offline map support -- No one gets great cell reception in the woods, but everyone has a GPS signal
(2) Pinpoint your location and altitude -- Find a mushroom once in a spot and you'll surely find it again there
(3) Easy input of common attributes -- Every mushroom book starts by advocating you log these
(4) Optimized for one-hand use -- Mushroom in one hand, log in the other

I hope you enjoy Mycolog. It's been an incredibly useful companion for me.

Mycolog Screenshots