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About JustSwap

JustSwap is the new way to trade, in-fact is was “Made to Trade”. 

In a world of so much waste, JustSwap swap was created to connect people from all over Australia who have goods, (or even services) they have to offer, and who are interested in trading it with something of value from someone else. 

The result:
* A reduction in waste and landfill
* Transactions are made simple, minimizing the need for ongoing negotiations around price
* Easily connect with those who have what you’re looking for, and what they need (or want!)
* It’s FREE!

This is the digital equivalent of a “Swap Meet”, no longer are you restricted to geography, or your ability to travel to destinations in order to see what others have to swap and for you to cart around what you have to swap. 

A simple marketplace to connect likeminded individuals, helping them find things that they would normally spend hours scouring the internet for, making it so easy for them to post, share, and ultimately, SWAP!

Sure, some people may just want to purchase and item as they have nothing of interest or value to swap with, and that’s ok to. When you scour the pages of Gumtree, there are already so many people who have a great interest in swapping what they have; a boat for a caravan, a motorbike for a car, a car for a... ANYTHING!

Before you think sell, think, JustSwap.

JustSwap – Made to Trade
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