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University of Manitoba
5.0 out of 5

About Mobile-IPM

Identify pest insects and weeds, get real-time forecasting of pests, with multiple farm management features. This app is intended for Canadian field crops and will aid users to implement Integrated Pest Management (IPM) practices to agricultural operations.

Current identification tools include insect pests of canola and wheat and weedy grasses of Western Canada. Real-time forecasting is currently for Bertha Armyworm (Mamestra configurata). Farm management tools include tracking of all crop activities, including seeding, harvesting, irrigation, finances, and pest management applications

This app was funded by Western Grains Research Foundation, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Growing Forward II, and the University of Manitoba.

Identification Key Developers: Amber Bass, Jo-anne Joyce, Shiala Naranjo, Ana Dal Molin, John Gavloski, and Barbara Sharanowski.

Forecasting Developers: John Gavloski, Ana Dal Molin, and Barbara Sharanowski.
Crop Management Developers: Barbara Sharanowski, Amber Bass, and Ana Dal Molin.

Pest information: Hugh Philip, Earl Svendsen, Amber Bass, Ana Dal Molin, Jo-anne Joyce, and Barbara Sharanowski.

Software Developers: Tactica Interactive
All Contributors: Barbara Sharanowski, Ana Dal Molin, Amber Bass, Doug Cattani, John Gavloski, Rob Gulden, Leah Irwin, Jo-anne Joyce, Julia Leeson, Kale McKay, Scott Meers, Shiala Naranjo, Owen Olfert, Jennifer Otani, Leanne Peixoto, Hugh Philip, Aldo Rios, Earl Svendsen, Kelly Turkington, Nash Turley, Ross Weiss, and Miles Zhang.
Citation: Sharanowski, B.J., Dal Molin, A., Bass, A., Cattani, D., Gavloski, J., Gulden, R., Irwin, L. Joyce, J., Leeson, J., McKay, K., Meers, S., Naranjo, S., Olfert, O., Otani, J., Peixoto, L., Philip, H., Rios, A., Svendsen, E., Turkington, K., Turley, N., Weiss, R., Zhang, Y.M. (2018). Mobile-IPM: A tool for pest identification, forecasting, and management of Canadian field crops.

Offered by: University of Manitoba.

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