BirthdayChecker icon


Steffen Kamp
5.0 out of 5

About BirthdayChecker

Never miss a birthday again. BirthdayChecker helps you keep an eye on your family’s and friend’s birthdays and anniversaries.

• Privacy first. Contact and personal data stays on your device and is never uploaded anywhere.
• View all birthdays and anniversaries from the Contacts app on your device in chronological order.
• Choose your favorite birthdays and anniversaries and receive notifications on the day of their occurrence.
• Get a glance at your favorite events in the coming days using the Birthdays widget directly on your Home screen.
• Mark those events that you want to get back to later. Either inside the app or using a notification action. Marked events are indicated by a badge on the app icon, so you do not forget about them.

BirthdayChecker Screenshots