Natya Shastra, is a Sanskrit work on drama, performing arts, theater, dance, music and various other topics. The word natyashastra also refers to a global category of literature encompassing this ancient Indian tradition of dramatic performance.
The authorship of this work dates back to as far as at least the 1st millennium BCE.
The term Shastra (śāstra) denotes a specific category of literature and the word Natya (nāṭya) roughly translates to drama, theater, performing arts, etc.
This edition contains the full English translation of the Natyashastra including additional notes.
Vol. I. (Chapters I-XXVII) - Dance
Vol. II. (Chapters XXVIII-XXXVI) - Music
The authorship of this work dates back to as far as at least the 1st millennium BCE.
The term Shastra (śāstra) denotes a specific category of literature and the word Natya (nāṭya) roughly translates to drama, theater, performing arts, etc.
This edition contains the full English translation of the Natyashastra including additional notes.
Vol. I. (Chapters I-XXVII) - Dance
Vol. II. (Chapters XXVIII-XXXVI) - Music
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