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FI Stool Diary

Amalesh Sanku
2.7 out of 5

About FI Stool Diary


Basic description: The Fecal Incontinence Stool Diary Instrument (FISDI) is a list of patient-reported symptoms for the evaluation of accidental stool leakage also known as fecal Incontinence, and other bowel problems associated with this condition. Fecal incontinence affects 9% of the adult US population and at least 25% of nursing home residents. Fecal incontinence is associated with multiple bowel and stool-related symptoms. Because of the irregular and unpredictable nature of bowel habit, including accidental loss of stool and or gas, and difficulty with either remembering or recalling these symptoms, a prospective assessment of patient-reported bowel and stooling-related symptoms is important, both for use in clinical trials, and for the assessment of patients with fecal incontinence.

Neurogut Incorporated (USA)

To assess the presence and severity of patient-reported bowel, stool and abdominal symptoms related to accidental stool leakage (fecal incontinence), for use in clinical trials, and assessment of patients with fecal incontinence

Therapeutic Areas:
Gastrointestinal and Digestive System Diseases
Pathological conditions, Signs and Symptoms

Therapeutic indications:
Fecal Incontinence
Dyssynergic defecation
Anorectal and Colorectal diseases
Urinary incontinence
Pelvic floor problems

Type of Clinical Outcome Assessment (COA)
Patient Reported Outcome (PRO) assessment

Original language
English for the USA

Bibliographic reference for the original questionnaire:
1. Rao SSC. Diagnosis and Management of Fecal Incontinence. Am J Gastroenterol 2004; 99:


This questionnaire enquires about your problem with accidental stool leakage or fecal incontinence, and its severity over 7 days. Please answer all questions as accurately as possible. For each day and for each question presented in this app, please respond that best describes your bowel and abdominal symptoms with each bowel movement and/or with each episode of stool leakage or fecal incontinence, and rate its severity.

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